We're in business for a better tomorrow
With every lesson you purchase, 1on1Math will give a lesson to a child in need
We believe everyone should have equal access to education
That's why we work with schools & organizations in underprivileged areas to help empower the local teachers with training & access to our world-class, fun & gamified lesson materials on our platform.
And with every 1-on-1 lesson you purchase, 1on1Math will give a 1-on-1 lesson to a child in need.
In this way we help girls & boys develop a love for learning, get an education and build the skills they need to move out of poverty and build a better tomorrow.
We match your child up with a child in need
We pair up every paying student on our platform with a student from an underprivileged area, so you can follow the impact you're having on someone's life. Your child is even able to join in on their lessons and play some of the educational activities together online with them. It provides a way to get to know each other and get an insight into each other's lives and cultures.